Me, trying to find an erupting geyser in a blizzard
“Trees: Life in the Slow Lane”…that was the gallery show topic of the Vermont PhotoPlace Gallery in their May-June, 2019, showing. The photo that I submitted, and that was accepted for the show, was taken just this winter in Yellowstone National Park.
“The photo selected for the showing was taken at the Fountain Paint Pots...”
My lovely wife, Ellen, surprised me with a Christmas gift of two weeks photographing in the Yellowstone-Teton area during early February. This took care of one of my bucket-list items.
Two photo tours were arranged by Ellen. The first was spent in northern Yellowstone National Park in search of wolves, among many other species of wildlife. The second tour started in Teton National Park and included a snow-coach ride to Old Faithful. What a joy that was as heavy and continuing snow fell as we seemed to float our way from the town of West Yellowstone to Old Faithful. Along the way, we had ample opportunity to take photos.
The photo selected for the showing was taken at the Fountain Paint Pots between Old Faithful and Madison Junction. I was drawn to the stark contrast of dark trees, golden-colored waters, and white snow.
I know. I know. You are asking yourself (and me through extrasensory means), “Are those colors real?!”. And I answer, “Yes, they are'“. It has something to do with the algae and minerals and mysterious things of nature like that.
The Double Whammy
Recognition for this photo doesn’t stop at the PhotoPlace Gallery.
There is an interesting photo website that is ironically called, “Don’t Take Pictures”. I think the point of the name must be that we should be taking photos instead…maybe? I don’t know.
Anyway, I was contacted by Kat Kiernan, the site host, about using this photo as the ‘Photo of the Day’ on their website. Of course, I said “Yes”. So they did, as shown here.
That’s it for today. I will be back to Italy in my next installment. Meanwhile, if you would like to see photos from my Yellowstone and Teton experience, you can view a sampling just below.
Yes, those last two photos are a beautiful amber-eyed wolf and a grizzly. Yellowstone is a fabulous place — especially in winter.
Until next time when Italy will once again be the topic…don’t drink yellow water!
Ciao for now,